What is the method behind using cell phones in class? Yes, it might be easier to text a survey answer back to your teacher, but what other use can a cell phone be in class. In my english class, my teacher makes us put our phones on the wall in pockets so we don't get distracted in class. Yes, I admit, I have texted in class, so not having my cell phone on me in English is annoying. My teacher is smart because she knows no one will get distracted in class and that is really good. Cell phones could have a purpose for being used as calculators or going on the internet. But since there are so many other gateways to contacting others, cell phones are not necessary in school. Cell phones should be turned off before school or left at home. Unless you have crazy parents that need to know your whereabouts at every second, there is no point for cell phones in school. Your friends are already there and if there is something important to tell them, find them in the hall or wait until you see them at lunch!
Mrs. Ford has definitely solved the cell phone problem for her class by having every student put their cell phone is a pocket during class. I agree, students do not need to use their cell phones during school. They can wait until lunch or after school to talk to their friends. Although, I can't say I haven't texted during a class before.