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Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Weather Outside is Frightful

So it's close to winter and I have already gotten pretty sick. I had to stay home two days last week because of a viral infection and now to top it off I have a bad cough. I'm not blaming it on New England's weather but seriously this is why I want to move to the south! People are saying this winter is going to be mild, but for me mild is 75 degrees and sunny! Even though I've lived in New England for all of my life, I swear I was meant to live in the tropical islands. This weather not only messes with my immune system, but weirdly enough, my sleeping patterns are so off. I feel like a bear and I should be hibernating! My mom wakes me up every morning because I'm incapable of waking myself up and I've noticed as the weather has gotten colder, I've been sleeping later. At the beginning of the school year, I would wake up around 610; now that its 50 degrees out, I'm sleeping until at least 6:30. I know it has nothing to do with me staying up late because I went to bed last night at 10 pm and woke up at 6:25. Yes that's still early, but being a girl, I need to straighten my hair, do my makeup, find an outfit, and pick up one of my friends all before the bell rings at 7:30! Maybe I'm just getting lazy but HOW am I supposed to get up every morning in the winter!? Maybe it's me but I can't wait until spring and I can feel my toes again.

1 comment:

  1. I also do not like the cold weather! I always have the most trouble getting used to the cold weather after the warm summer. The change is very dramatic in New England, having the nights reach freezing tempertures. The biggest problem in my house is that we don't put on the heat early enough. This past weak I had to wrap myself in blankets!
