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Monday, November 8, 2010


So for high school, you have to get dismissed by a parent. This seems pretty logical to most people, but to me it's a little aggravating. Surrounding schools let their students leave for lunch and if they are 18 years old, they can dismiss themselves. I know that the administration is probably worried most kids will take advantage of this but I have an idea. I think if the student meets a certain criteria, like has a GPA of a 3.0, they should be able to have more freedom. I'm going off to college next year and I'm going to have a ton of freedom. I can skip class if I want( I dont plan on it) and not get in trouble, and I won't have to ask to go the bathroom from my professor. I know that Lexington lets their kids leave early for lunch because they don't have the accomodations at their school, and we do, but I still think we should have the choice. Our government is raised up on letting their citizens choose what they want to do, with the exceptions of minors. This little freedom like going out to lunch, lets the students know that their school trusts them. I think that if we are old enough to vote, serve our country, buy scratch tickets, and but cigarettes, we should be allowed to dismiss ourselves from school. If I'm not feeling well and can't get ahold of my mom, I'm stuck laying in the nurse's office, feeling too awkward to try to rest. Maybe it's just me, but I'd be embarrassed if some other student was walking by to go the bathroom and saw me passed out on one of the nurse's "beds." These little freedoms will connect us to the world we are about to enter after high school or college. I really wish BHS let us to dismiss ourselves, just like other schools are.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill - I think you make a valid point about what 18 year olds should be able to do. So where should you go next with this. I think this post would be a good topic for the high school newspaper. In fact, I would like to know where BHS stands in comparison to other local high schools on a lot of issues hats, cellphones, ipods, etc.

    Have you spoken to any class officers about this topic? We are getting close to the time where we would be looking at our student handbook. Talk to me in class and I can let you know how we can formally work on this item.
